return to the painting table
It's been quite a while since I last picked up a paintbrush, and you can definitely tell in the quality of my painting - this is obviously a hobby that requires regular practice or you start to lose your touch. Since my last post I've painted three models - and the first two I wasn't actually very happy with. If I'd had the time I might have considered stripping the paint and re-doing them (though I don't actually know if you can strip paint from plastic miniatures - my experience is all with old-style metal models in the 90s!). The third model I'm a lot happier with and I think I'm getting back close to where I was 8 months ago. The lesson is to keep painting more regularly - even if it's only one model a month!
So, what have I been painting? Well, unsurprisingly, more Blood Bowl players...
First up there's Karla Von Kill:

Next on the block we have Griff Oberwald:

And finally we have Varag Ghoul-Chewer:

I'll leave it to the viewer to decide which is the model I'm most satisfied with. No, no, that's too simple even for the poor benighted types who are suckered into reading this blog. There's no mystery - the Orc is decently painted, the humans look like they've tried to apply makeup whilst driving off-road, and then been dressed in clothes made by impatient toddlers.
Onward and upward! I've got two Blood Bowl models left (referees, weirdly) and I might also try to actually get a game or two played... On current form I'll be reporting on that around about the August bank holiday. Tararabit.