Tales from the crypt
Today I did a little digging in the loft and found a case of my old miniatures.

Most of my armies have met the traditional fate of surplus models - sold, traded, gifted or just plain lost. A few of my rarer or better-painted models (plus, for some reason, a bunch of skeletons) I kept - and I thought I'd share the fruits of young-me's labours. Let's open her up...

There are a couple of cool miniatures in there, with some history attached. First up is Veteran Sergeant Centurius of the Legion of the Damned - I remember queuing up outside the Birmingham Games Workshop store early in the morning some time in 1996 to get hold of this limited-edition model. This is one of my first attempts at "customising" the base, and I was pretty pleased with the overall result.

To support Centurius in my Ultramarine army, I customised a Space Maine chaplain and painted him in Legion of the Damned colours. I think it's a pretty appropriate base model for the Legion - and he looks far cooler with a chainsword than a crozius.

Next up are a couple of dwarves*; these were models I actually painted for my brother's army, but when he eventually sold his miniatures I hoiked them back. One is Ungrim Ironfist, Slayer King, owner of the coolest cloak in the hobby.

The other is something of an oddity - the Dwarf adventurer from the short-lived game Warhammer Quest.

The final set come from the ranks of Warhammer Undead - pretty much the last army I worked on before leaving tiny tiny soldiers behind. There's a Vampire Count Lord (in my army's signature purple colour scheme**) supported by a trio of mummies.

There you have it - about as much of my wargaming history as I've been able to find. I'll keep an eye out in lofts and cupboards, and I'll post anything else that shows up.
* I'm a child of Tolkein, and make no apologies
** The skeleton's shields were purple - there really isn't much else to theme on the bony blighters