After a brief hiatus, my Bloodbowl team is starting to take shape
February, being the shortest month of the year, is not conducive to hobby-ing; so few days, so much to do. It doesn't help that my 8-month-old daughter has taken to waking me up four times a night again so I now resemble a shambling, half-human half-dressing-gown chimera. But fear not! Painting has recommenced!
With all the painting practice one could ever need now complete (3 blue space marines) I have started work on my first Bloodbowl team. I've gone for the human team from the main game box - partly because humans are good all-rounders with plenty of scope for tactical experimentation, and partly because I don't have any decent green paint for the orks.
I'm planning to keep things simple with a Reikland Reavers-inspired colour scheme incorporating cream and shades of blue (I do have all those blue paints now, may as well use them). I'm also planning a production line approach to painting, rather than the one-by-one I used on the marines.
In this post I'm just sharing the results of the base coating - there's not really a lot of technique going on here, just painting the lowest-lying areas first and trying to be as neat as possible without obsessing over small mistakes. Here are the resultsfor the whole team:

And the linemen:

A blitzer:

A thrower:

And finally a catcher:

Next up is shading and highlighting. Maybe I'll even get to that before the end of March...