Not the evil internet forum kind of troll, the good murder-y bone-eating kind of troll.
The last few months have been something of a hobby dead zone. Real life has ballooned to fill my most of my time, and the little free time I have had has been mainly spent building a new home server*. But this week I finally got chance to put brush to plastic and finish the Troll for my Worcester Warrioz Bloodbowl team.

The main "new" techniques I tried out on this model were:
- Using green stuff to reposition the left arm. In the out-of-the-box model the hand is held right up in front of the face in a "baseball pitcher" pose. I found that to be too exaggerated, leaving the model feeling unbalanced and hiding some of the facial detail. Out came my modelling knife, file and putty to open up the elbow joint and rotate the hand a few degrees. I really like the end result and the additional space flowing through the model. This image shows the standard model (image © Games Workshop) and my modified version:

- Blending to get the flesh colour transition on the belly. I achieved this by applying multiple layers of subtly different shades to build up the transition, finished with several layers of dry-brushing to add texture to the skin. I'm really happy with how it turned out - though on my next large "creature" model I'm keen to try out some wet blending...

That's it for today - other than to mention I am in possession of a fully base-coated Varag Ghoul-Chewer (the latest incarnation) ready to bring some star player magic to my orc team. Varag is a pretty hefty chap - almost as big as the troll! - and has a lot of detail. This one is going to be a challenge...
* I may one day even get time to post about that - full of hardware-y, linux-y, container-y goodness and demonstrating that my nerd-fu knows no bounds.