Because "keeping my fingers in", although more accurate, just sounds wrong...
I'm trying to follow my own advice and get at least one new model painted each month. Well this month is February, and I have painted not one by two miniatures! Does that mean I can have a rest until April?
The two models most recently completed are my BloodBowl referees - I'm reasonably happy with the end results on both, although I still need a lot more practice on skin tones and hair. My brush control is improving - I didn't have too many problems with the black-and-white stripes on the clothes - but it's still not good enough to pick out the individual pages of the books the dwarf is carrying. More practice needed!
This is the first referee*:

This is the second:

With my referees completed that, other than some BloodBowl base skill markers, pretty much exhausts my cadre of unpainted miniatures. I think I need to play some games before getting any more BloodBowl models, so the question is - what to paint next? I've been binge-reading the Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy novels recently (32 books since September), and before that the Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn/Ravenor/Bequin sequence of Inquisitor books by Dan Abnett. That makes me think 40k, and I have a hankering to paint something a bit bigger - maybe a tank. Or a Titan...
* in charge of 'Elf 'an Safety...