Another month, another blog post. I am in danger of becoming prolific.
Whether it's global health, the UK exam system or making time for my hobbies, I can't imagine how things could be going better.
<Beep! Beep Beep! Beeeeeeep!!! Fzzzzzzzzzzzzz. POP>
I do apologize, my sarcasmometer appears to have exploded. Must be the weather.
Where was I?
Ah yes, hobby achievements in the past month. There are two:
- I managed half of a practice game of Blood Bowl (I lost 1-0)
- I built a decorative magnetic base for my Orc team
The less said about (1) the better. As far as (2) goes, I have some photos. Here you go:

That's your lot. I'm not feeling particularly loquacious today; I will endeavour to be more forthcoming next time :)