We interrupt your regular transmission with this breaking news...
A quick addendum to the previous post...
I've added some texture to the base of Marine 1 - PVA to glue down a layer of War World Scenics grass material, washed with a brown shade, dry-brushed with a blend of green and yellow, and finally some superglued "dirt" material to fill in any gaps.

Taking action based on the lessons-learned painting Marine 1, I've ordered some additional paints:
Metallic paints to get a proper gold colour on the next couple of marines, rather than the slightly dirty yellow. I've ordered Greedy Gold, Bright Gold and Shining Silver from Army Painter.
Various shades of blue - a blue ink, ultramarine blue, crystal blue and electric blue - also from Army Painter.
As soon as the new paints arrive, it will be on to Marine 2...