The Beginning - Interlude

1 min read

We interrupt your regular transmission with this breaking news...

A quick addendum to the previous post...

I've added some texture to the base of Marine 1 - PVA to glue down a layer of War World Scenics grass material, washed with a brown shade, dry-brushed with a blend of green and yellow, and finally some superglued "dirt" material to fill in any gaps.

Taking action based on the lessons-learned painting Marine 1, I've ordered some additional paints:

  • Metallic paints to get a proper gold colour on the next couple of marines, rather than the slightly dirty yellow. I've ordered Greedy Gold, Bright Gold and Shining Silver from Army Painter.
  • Various shades of blue - a blue ink, ultramarine blue, crystal blue and electric blue - also from Army Painter.

As soon as the new paints arrive, it will be on to Marine 2...

Image of Adam Lampon

Adam Lampon

β€œIt is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything