Orc bash! Orc smash! Orc trip over own feet and impale self on corner flag!
The last four weeks have been significantly more productive hobby-wise - I finally got back to my Orc Blood Bowl team. I'm pleased to say that they are now complete, and named - arise the wORCster WArRioz!*
I expected the orcs to be a little bit easier to paint than the human team - after all they are larger, with bigger single-colour areas. And that was true, except...
- Orc flesh: there was more of it, and it required a lot more shading and highlighting than the human flesh.
- Metal spikes, studs and rivets: there are bloody dozens of the things, on every model. I missed a bunch and had to go back over them all at least once - and I've probably still missed some.
End result: it took me just as long, if not longer, to paint said orcs - and I've still got the magnetic base thing to do. But regardless, I've posted the full team below for your perusal and amazement**.
First up.... the trusty untrustworthy line-men orcs:

Followed by the "specialists":
- The mighty Black Orc Blockers (7 & 8),
- the weirdly un-amoured Throwers (9 & 10),***
- and finally the Blitzers (11 & 12). Showy gits.

Right, that's it for now. I'll try to get the magnetic base finished, but creativity-wise my efforts will be elsewhere for a while (I've still got a nursery to decorate, and also rocking horses to carve). However, I intend to get my painted teams onto the field of play as soon as possible - so I will hopefully have a match report to publish shortly!
* like Worcester Warriors - do you see? It's a pun! Hahahahahahhahahha. Ahem.
** I shall leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine whether that amazement is admiration or horror...
*** I mean - it's only their arms that need to be free to move easily - they could have a full-on tank down below and they'd still be able to chuck a ball.